Step 3: Identify Viewpoints
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[one_third last=”no”] [tagline_box title=”Tutorial 2 – Identifying theories, concepts & arguments” description=”Learn about theories, concepts and arguments – what they are and how to identify them (5:43 mins).”] [/tagline_box] [/one_third] [two_third last=”yes”]
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[one_third last=”no”] [tagline_box title=”Tutorial 3 – Identifying research designs, methodologies, results & conclusions” description=”Learn about research designs, methodologies, results and conclusions -what they are and how to identify them (8:19 mins).”] [/tagline_box] [/one_third] [two_third last=”yes”]
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[one_third last=”no”] [tagline_box title=”Tutorial 4 – How to construct the Viewpoints Organizer” description=”Learn how to construct the Viewpoints Organizer to help systematically organize the key viewpoints in your essay topic (8:46 mins).”] [/tagline_box] [/one_third] [two_third last=”yes”]
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